
This annual film festival organized by KCET/SoCal PBS featured two documentary shorts produced by UCLA’s Laboratory for Environmental Narrative Strategies (LENS), alongside four feature films and a premier of KCET's 2018 season of “Earth Focus.” LENS faculty, together with reporters from the Thomas Reuters Foundation, consulted on the Earth Focus season. The LENS shorts were developed as part of a wider collaboration with KCET.

The LENS films screened were "Taylor Yard: A Change of Heart in Los Angeles" (shown below) and "Urban Ark Los Angeles."

Series executive producers: Allison Carruth and Juan Devis (KCET Chief Creative Officer)
Documentary directors: Jon Christensen, Kristy Guevara-Flanagan, Ursula K. Heise, Yubo Wang and Stefan Wanigatunga

Taylor Yard: A Change of Heart in Los Angeles
